Saturday, 30 October 2010

il have a beg and acon BAP please

So end of week blogging for bap well he's changed a lot over the week as i roughed out his basemesh and after putting a basic skeleton on him and a bit of rough weightpainting using the new interactive skin bind tool in maya. I found that bap's topology needed a lot of work to make sure his skin would deform correctly when he moved about. So thats pritty much what ive spent most of the week working on his topology and workin closely with simon on his body shape and proportions and also have had to move the shoulders back from the ears so that when he moves his arms they dont go though his ears. This was one of many things that needed to be changed in order for him to work as a character. I also had to build him a butt as in the original design he didnt seem to have one. So far ive got the topology of his chest and shoulders flowing well and back and next week i will resume work on his legs and butt. And i will also start working on the hands and face soon once the body's topology is all flowing correctly in acordance with the movements he will need to be able to do.

See below for images showing my progress with bap this past week. The first roughed out basemesh with only the left side of the model being worked on as i will duplicate later once the character is more refined. The topology is only set out so to difine the shape rather than allow for good deformations.

I then started to work on improving the edge flows of the character looking at many other different base meshes to see how people refine the topology to allow for good deformations when weightpainting and thus animating the character so that weird deformations do not occur. Also the character has been drawn out longer and more athletic to allow for some interesting movement when running.

Front view showing the improved topology but will rpobably still need working on later.

And here is the back view of the shoulder which still has a lot of work to do once i start correcting the back legs topology.

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