Thursday, 28 May 2009


while i was in the process of modelling the gas works, we decided to keep the style of the houses throughout the same and we decided to go with the style of matt.l's (M.L) houses, so i stopped the gas works for a while and modelled a car for M.Ls scene as we were working on getting all the aniamtion and modelling done scene by scene at this point. M.Ls scene that the car was needed for was with the bus being shot by the plane, so i mad a car to go in M.Ls scene which was quite fun to make despite a series of silly problems with edge loops and duplicating the 2 sides of the model. I chose to make the car the same way i modelled my fish in the ident project as its easy to correct things for both sides as a car should be symetrical from the middle so this made things easier. i put on a few details that probably wernt necessary but i still think i could have done a lot better, but as M.L said because the car will be so far away you wont notice it, but i wanted to give it a bit of character just with colour and shape but i think this will be one of the models i would quite like to make into something visual to use close up in a future scene possibly so when i get back to my computer i think i would like to improve on this model and also that of my AA gun model.

As i said the detail could have more work done to it but as yu can see from the bottom one you cant see much detail at all of what i have done as the car is so far away as the distance the camera is in this bottom shot is the distance the car will roughly be from the camera.

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