Thursday, 28 May 2009

Drive by, fly bye

I was then asked to model the environment and animate the fly by shot were the planes go under the aa guns, i started with the landscape where i got to use a few different tools which took a little getting used to for me to make a valley that looked believable and wide enough for the planes to get through, but i got the rough shape in the end and sorted the planes out and animated to movement of the aa guns and the planes, as M.L had the textures for the trees and was better with lighting than me due to my incapability in that area (note i need to work on lighting and texturing) i let him put the same trees from his scene into mine and get the lighting looking good and texturing the sandbags and as M.L had the re-rig claude(our character) he put him in position also on the aa gun . i just modelled the aa guns and landscape and some sandbags around the guns and changed claudes apearance so he looked like a soldier just by tweeking M.Ls model and also animated the fly by so you could see the guns as they face each other and the repeating action of them also.

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